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Our journal, ALERT, is published twice a year and features a diverse range of content, including thought pieces, reflective essays, research articles, practitioner insights, and book reviews. Written by both national and international experts, these accessible articles cover a wide array of topics in civil protection and emergency management.


ALERT is distributed to ICPEM members and other interested professionals, with many articles frequently cited in academic research. For those interested in contributing to future editions, please refer to our author guidelines and contact the managing editor.


The latest edition is available for viewing below, and members can also request past issues from our archive.


Contributing to ALERT allows professionals and academics to share insights and research with the global civil protection community. We welcome diverse submissions, from thought pieces to research articles. Interested authors should review our guidelines and contact the managing editor to discuss submissions.

Image by Thomas Kelley

Members have exclusive access to the ALERT archive, offering a comprehensive collection of past issues covering essential topics in civil protection and emergency management. Members can view the latest edition online and may request specific past issues through the managing editor.

Image by Parker Byrd
Online articles

Our online version of ALERT includes articles with Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), ensuring each piece is easily citable and accessible for further research. This feature enhances the journal's reach and supports members and scholars in referencing critical topics in emergency management.

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