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Make your next recruit a degree apprentice and be ready for an uncertain future

In today’s increasingly complex and challenging risk landscape, the Resilience and Emergencies Professional Degree Apprenticeship (REP) provides an industry designed forward-thinking solution.


It offers a new path for current and future professionals of all ages to work, learn and earn.

Why us


Address Critical Skills Gaps

equip your team with the essential knowledge and systems thinking skills needed to meet the demands of UK resilience practice


Meet RQF Level 6 Professional Standards

achieve the high educational and professional benchmarks needed for roles in the sector 


Attract Diverse Talent

recruit candidates who bring a range of perspectives and fresh insights to enrich your team through our schools’ outreach scheme. 


Foster Staff Growth

motivate existing employees to apply their knowledge and demonstrate real-world impact in their assignments

Empower your organisation and shape the future of resilience through the degree apprenticeship that delivers both immediate and long-term value.

Why Choose The REP Degree Apprenticeship?


Leverage Cutting-Edge Knowledge

Integrate the latest insights and innovative approaches into resilience and emergency systems and processes.


Training Excellence

all training providers are regulated by the Office for Students, inspected by Ofsted, and quality assured by the UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)


Professional Network

be part of a network of employers and apprentices working together to share evidence based good practice


Apprenticeship Levy

access funding to support your apprentice’s training and development

Employer Journey



Existing staff or new recruit: Determine whether you will offer a degree apprenticeship to existing staff or recruit a new team member. 

Talk to your apprenticeship support team: Engage with your organisation’s recruitment or apprenticeship support team for guidance throughout the process. 

Select a training provider: Contact the universities’ apprenticeship teams and to choose a suitable training provider. 

Get apprenticeship agreement in place: Establish an agreement that outlines the terms and principles of the apprenticeship relationship. 

We want to recruit a Resilience & Emergencies degree apprentice - what is the employer journey? 

Prepare support structures: Ensure that the apprentice’s line manager and mentor are identified and have the capacity and skills to support the apprentice.  





For existing staff: Assist existing staff with the skills assessment and enrol them in the university course.  


Register for Funding: access and manage apprenticeship funding for training and assessment. 


For new recruits: Write a detailed job description and advertise the apprenticeship role, recruit and consider university support for screening candidates. Ensure that they meet the apprenticeship eligibility criteria.  

A. Onboard the new apprentice: Ensure the new recruit undergoes standard onboarding, induction, and training. 


B. Support their course enrolment: Help the new recruit with the skills assessment process and enrol them in the university course. Please allow at least 6 weeks for this. 


Provide ongoing support: Collaborate with the training provider to offer continuous support and feedback to the apprentice.


End Point Assessment (EPA): Upon completing their training, the apprentice will undergo an EPA — a work-based project and professional discussion with a portfolio of evidence, arranged by the training provider and assessed by an independent assessor.


Completion and certification: Graduates will receive an undergraduate degree in Resilience and Emergency Management and an apprenticeship completion certificate upon successful completion of their EPA. 

Your workplace and chosen university provider will work with you to develop your bespoke offering.

Employer FAQs

FAQs for Employers  

What are degree apprenticeships? 

Degree apprenticeships provide the opportunity to gain a degree level qualification whilst working in the sector engaging in resilience and emergencies practice, working with experienced professionals and earning a salary. This partnership benefits both the employer and the apprentice. You can find out more here: Degree apprenticeships - Learn more here (

Why a degree apprenticeship? 

Degree-level apprenticeships are now well-established across various professions and functional areas, including policing, risk compliance, public health, project management, nursing, and cybersecurity. Unlike traditional Emergency Management degrees that typically include a year-long industry placement, the Resilience and Emergencies Professional (REP) apprenticeship integrates learning and development throughout three years of practical experience. Apprentices actively work towards meeting the Resilience and Emergencies Professional Occupational Standard through flexible, work-based assignments that deliver tangible value for employers."

How much time will the apprentice need to spend studying and how much time working? 

Degree apprenticeships have an 80:20 split of work to study i.e. 80% of an apprentice’s time will be spent working and 20% will be spent studying. A degree apprenticeship takes about the same time as a traditional degree. The apprentice will be studying and working for 3.5 years.

Work in emergencies and resilience can be demanding at times. Will study times and days be flexible? 

Yes, training providers recognise that working in resilience and emergencies can be demanding, they know that employers want their staff available in times of crisis. Delivery has moved on from ‘fixed day release’ to a flexible blended learning model which integrates in-person, online, face to face and self-directed learning. This provides the greatest flexibility for both employers and apprentices.

Who can do an apprenticeship?  

Anyone can undertake this apprenticeship, whether they are existing staff or a new recruit. There is no age restriction. The REP curriculum is designed for individuals in roles equivalent to Resilience Officer. Upon completion of their apprenticeship, these team members will be competent in the full range of resilience activities and able to specialise where needed. Completion requires a minimum of Level 2 (GCSE or equivalent) English and Maths. However, most providers can support apprentices in achieving these qualifications during their first year if the employer selects a candidate without them.

What if the potential apprentice already has some experience? 

Relevant prior experience can help an apprentice complete the apprenticeship more quickly and may also reduce costs for the employer. The apprentice should provide evidence of their qualifications and skills, ensuring they align with RQF levels 4 to 6 and the REP occupational standard. The training provider then undertakes an initial assessment of prior learning and experience, removes redundant training elements from the apprentice’s programme, and defines an appropriate course starting point.

Which universities offer degree apprenticeships? 

Currently two universities offer the degree apprenticeship. They are: Coventry University or contact Buckinghamshire New University or contact More universities are set to become providers which will provide a greater geographic spread. Talk to provider’s Apprenticeship teams to see how their provision meets your needs. For up to date details: Training providers for Resilience and emergencies professional (level 6) (

Are all Resilience and Emergencies Professional Apprenticeship degree courses the same? 

No. Each university designs its own curriculum, but each is approved and regulated to meet the Resilience and Emergencies National Occupational Standard defined by the industry. We recommend that you talk to provider’s Apprenticeship teams to see how their provision meets your needs.

When do apprentices start their training course? 

You can recruit a REP apprentice at any time of the year, and they can begin their role whenever it suits your organisation. Most training providers offer start dates in September and January. This flexibility allows apprentices to start and settle into your organisation before their formal training begins. Having two start points per year also gives you the chance to ensure a good fit between the apprentice and your team before committing to funded training.

Is there support with Training Costs? 

Yes, there is support available for training costs. Employers with an annual payroll over £3 million pay into the apprenticeship levy, which can be used to fund accredited workplace training programs. Smaller employers, who do not pay the levy, may access funding through the government’s Co-Investment Fund. Recent reports indicate that many employers have not fully utilized their apprenticeship funds, with 55.5% spent and nearly half expiring. If you have a “resilience and emergencies” function in your organisation you can use up to £23,000 of your apprenticeship funds to cover the cost of an accredited REP training course for new or existing staff. For further details on funding and the Apprenticeship Levy, please contact your Apprenticeship Team, Learning and Development team, or a university provider.

Where can I find more information on employing an Apprentice?  

Your organisation will probably have an Apprenticeship recruitment team who will support you through the process. The universities also have specialist teams who work with you to recruit and enrol your apprentice. There is generic information available on the government website Employing an apprentice: Overview - GOV.UK (

Where can I advertise my degree apprenticeship? 

UCAS Degree apprenticeships - Learn more here ( Through your chosen university provider (Bucks/Coventry) The government website: Search for an apprenticeship – Find an apprenticeship – GOV.UK ( Through industry bodies such as Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management (ICPEM) and Emergency Planning Society (EPS)

What is the history of the Resilience & Emergencies Professional Apprenticeship?  

In autumn 2021 West Mercia Local Resilience Forum (LRF) secured financial support from the Government's LRF Innovation Fund. Its vision was to support the UK to become a more resilient nation through new and innovative ways of delivering training in resilience and emergencies. The idea for a degree apprenticeship was born. Over 100 employers supported the “Trailblazer Group” work through workshops, interviews and meeting discussions, to develop the occupational standard and end point assessment plan. The Resilience and Emergencies Professional (REP) Occupational Standard was approved and finally published May 2023 to provide the basis of the skills and knowledge required. Buckinghamshire New University and Coventry University are the first training providers with the first cohort of REP Apprenticeships who commenced their studies in September 2024. We will continue to support training providers to understand what employers need and want from degree-level training provision, and support employers who work across UK resilience to access REP apprenticeship providers and ensure the best opportunities for our future apprentices. This will also be supported by the UK Resilience Academy, which will be formally established in April 2025. It recognises that the Resilience & Emergencies Professional Apprenticeship will be a core part of strengthening the professionalisation of resilience work.

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